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Football Hold

Football position is highly recommended for mothers who are recovering from a C-section to avoid pressure on her incision site. Mothers and infants find this position to be most comfortable when learning how to breastfeed. If the mother experiences a forceful let down the football position allows the infant to handle the feeding more effectively. Mothers with larger breasts find the position more comfortable as they have a better view of the infant’s nose and mouth. Mothers of twins wanting to tandem feed may find the football hold the easiest and fastest way to feed both infants.




(Karitane, 2021)

Hand placement showing support of infant

breastfeeding-with-twins what to expect webiste.jpg

Getty Image

Tandem feeding twins in football 

(Allina Health Patient Education Dept., 2015)

footballhold 1.jpg

Proper hand placement supporting breast 


Supporting infant using the "my best friend feeding pillow"

(UndercoverMama, 2018)

How to Position Mother and Infant


  • Place 1-2 pillows vertically behind mother’s back, so mother is in a 90 degree angle

  • Place 2-3 pillows along mother's side (the side mother is feeding on)



  • Mother will place infant on either her right or left side with infant’s tummy facing towards the mother’s side and breast (as if mother was holding a football)

  • Mother's hand is supporting the infant’s neck and shoulder blades

  • Mother's arm is supporting infant's body



  • The infant’s bottom is in the crook/nook of the elbow, feet are tucked under arm, infant's spine aligns with the inner part of mother’s arm

  • When ready to latch, the mother should bring the infant closer into breast to ensure a deep latch with the nose aligned to the nipple

Supplies Needed:

  • 5 Pillows 

    • 1-2 pillows for mothers back ​

    • 2-3 pillows for mother's side 

  • Mother may use her own Boppy Pillow or My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow


Allina Health's Patient Education Department. (2015). Beginnings: Pregnancy, birth and beyond, seventh edition.[images].


Jones, J. (2014, April 3). Football position [Video]. YouTube.


Karitane. (2021). Breastfeeding [image].


La Leche League International. (2022). Positioning.


Undercovermama. (2018). Common breastfeeding positions: The football hold [Image].



Lactation Station

Created for the staff at Advocate Good Shepherd OB Department


Ashlee Bianchi, BSN

Dalia Garcia, BSN, RNC-NIC

Melanie Gleason, BSN

Samantha Pagliuco, BSN, RNC-MNN, LCCE


In affiliation with Lewis University



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