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Cradle Position

Cradle position is the first position most breastfeeding mothers will attempt after birth. While this position "feels" the most natural, most infant's in the first few days of life need more support and guidance. The cross-cradle position shall be trialed first, then mothers can move arms into a cradle position once a sustained latch is occurring. 

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(Lactation Education Resource, 2022a)

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(Ovia Health, 2022)


(Lactation Education Resource, 2022a)

How to Position Mother and Infant



  • Mother to be in a semi-up right position in a chair or bed

  • Gather pillows to support mother's elbows and infant's weight



  • Mother will breastfeed by placing her infant across her lap with pillows under the infant to support the infant's weight and bringing the infant up to proper height

  • The infant should lay on their side with it's tummy touching mother’s tummy, the infant’s nose should line up with nipple 

  •  Infant's head will rest on mother's forearm, with it's back aligning with inner arm and palm of mother

  • Infant’s ears, shoulders, and hips should align forming a straight line



  • Pillows are also used to support mother's elbows on each side

  • The mother should use the opposite hand using the “U” hold or “C” hold to support her breast


Supplies Needed:

  • 4-6 Pillows (1-2 placed under infant and 1-2 placed under each elbow of mother)  

  • Mother may use her own Boppy Pillow or My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow



Lactation Education Resources. (2022a). Resources: Positioning & latch, mother-led [images].


Leche League International. (2022). Positioning.


Ovia Health. (2022). 5 positions every breastfeeding mothers should. [images].

Lactation Station

Created for the staff at Advocate Good Shepherd OB Department


Ashlee Bianchi, BSN

Dalia Garcia, BSN, RNC-NIC

Melanie Gleason, BSN

Samantha Pagliuco, BSN, RNC-MNN, LCCE


In affiliation with Lewis University



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